August 9, 2013

Nut Roll Tempo Run

On Wednesday, I completed my first Tempo Run of my marathon training. I ate a Larabar Uber Roasted Nut Roll (I can't help but snicker at that name) about 15 minutes before the run, and didn't have any problems. However, the rest of the run was a disaster.

1) My sunglasses broke on Monday, and I forgot to bring my other pair. So I couldn't exactly go out like this:

Obviously taken after my workout, but yeahhh.
2) I forgot my water belt, so I had to hold my water bottle. 3) I forgot my headphones, and 4) I forgot my arm band, to hold my phone. Oh, and 5) It was 6:30 in the evening. HOT.

I had my water bottle in one hand, and my phone in the other, while squinting in the sun and looking like a fool. Just imagine it... pumping my arms while holding two bulky objects. Ugh, disaster!

Beautiful, but SO HOT.
So, it being my first tempo run, I didn't really have a number in mind, just that I wanted to go fast. I feel like there should be a little more structure to my tempo runs but if so, then I'm at a loss. All that was in my mind was "Run as fast as you can!" So.. I tried. I did a warm up mile going one way, turned around, sprinted 2 miles, and then turned back around and did a cool-down for 1 mile.

I'm happy that my 1st and 4th mile were about the same speed, and I suppose I'm okay with my "fast" speed being in the low 8's... I don't know, I'm disappointed still. Some of my other runs have been in the 8s on the average... ah, well.

Super hot, but glad that the run was over!!
Fortunately, I didn't have to go to rehearsal after this run. So ready for this week to be over!

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