September 23, 2013

A Brief, Visitor-Induced Hiatus

Woo! New week already?

This a short post just to let y'all know that my mom is in town (yay!) so I won't be posting till Wednesday.

Enjoying a sunny day in Bellevue!

Here's a little summary of what I've done so far since I last posted:

Friday: Performance #4, NTC Advance Get Lean Shakedown (30 minutes) (post to come!)
Saturday: 15 miles (post to come!), a Voice Lesson Recital, Performance #5
Sunday: Performance #6, leading an audition for 120 high school girls, and a late night audition
Monday: Rest day! Wedding Dress Shopping! Going to the EMP museum!

This, of course, has all been accompanied by lots and lots of eating.

Pumpkin Cheesecake. YUM.
It's been a GREAT weekend, and it's still not over, but I figured you guys deserved an explanation for why I wasn't posting as much :)

Cheesin' at the EMP Museum!
See ya on Wednesday!


  1. Awe, what cute photos of you two. Have fun with your mom!

  2. Moms and pumpkin cheesecake always make things better :)

    Good luck wedding dress shopping!! Let me know if you find any good stores, I've been looking since May and am struggling to find a dress I love!

    1. Bellevue Bridal is GREAT, and I enjoyed New Beginnings in Puyallup as well. I've heard Seattle stores aren't that good.
